I love finding a deal, especially as I have had to made adjustments this last year. This weekend I had one of those moments. I have been looking, ok stalking, craigslist to find decorations for my home - but I want nice stuff. I drool over Balllard Designs magazine for ideas and try to replicate on my limited budget. This weekend I was looking at craigslist and found chairs from Ballard for sale! My cheapo dining table just was not looking right in my breakfast nook as it was, and I wanted an upgrade. Enter Craigslist! Found these 4 chairs on craigslist that are normally mucho bucks from Ballard.
Here is the before, good but could be better. Too matchy matchy:
And here is the after! Ballard sells chair covers that I will have to eventually replace, I know kids someday will not stand up to the ecru velvet covers on there now! These chairs are super comfy it just screams eat at the table (instead of being lazy and eating at the counter like I usually do!)
13 hours ago
The new seats are definitely a big improvement! It makes the whole space feel so classy, like it’s been prepared for a big event or a reception dinner. I just hope the kids didn’t find it difficult to clean them and keep the covers away from stain!