We got up Saturday not sure where to go, but then looking at the weather he suggested the Sierra Anchas. This area is between Globe and Young, Arizona. While we had a somewhat plan to got to a waterfall on workman’s creek the benefit of 4 wheel drive meant we could just keep going and see what was discovered. In all, we went up to a fire tower on Aztec peak seeing far to the rim country, found random cabins and then decided based on a ranger suggestion and Neil’s memory to try for some Native American dwellings. It was only after the fact did I put two and two together when the ranger was talking about the hike (or really climb) up to the dwelling did I get he mentioned a few people had died trying to get there. Oops…. Well we made it and since we had some climbing smarts never felt like I was in danger, but I will saw it meant staying close to the ground on the way up and down since it was STEEP. Here are the pics! Enjoy!
Aztec Peak Fire tower
Um yeah....just alittle steep climb!
Workmans creek!
Finally made it up to the dwellings!

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