First - a future project. I have been seeing many wingback chairs around the blog world and on my lunch break I just happened across this beauty for $10 at savers! Time to learn how to upolster!
I have a vision of it turning out something like this from Pottery Barn - which goes for $749 BTW!
Then on another thrift trip I found the indoor tree I was looking for! These usually go for hundreds, and the others I had seen at the thrift stores were not in the best condition. This must have just come in to the store (it pays to go on lunch breaks!) and was found for $40. Yippee! I have super high ceilings so I need items that fill the room and add height.
And on another note......I spent an over an hour last night just trying to learn to thread my sewing machine! Really regretting never taking Home Ec in high school! I will just have a LONG learning curve. Any websites to suggest for beginning simple sewing projects??

That's a great chair - good luck! You can do it!