Let’s see – first I have my half built shelves from a month ago…. Oh and the tools I bought to make all of those awesome furniture pieces off Ana whites website….from Decemeber… that are in unopened boxes…….
Then the new sewing machine that so far has only been used to learn how to thread it (thank goodness I have two dinner tables!)
Oh and then I was going to start working on decorating the laundry room so I bought a curtain rod that has been sitting there for weeks.
I will spare you the clutter room pics that I really have been meaning to get to one of these days!
So with that in mind…I am getting refocused and making a list. Because when I have a list I have direction and purpose and sometimes the projects actually get done and my house does not look like a hurricane happened. So this is my goal – to make a plan for each room and start on ONE room. I was really getting overwhelmed and not sure where to start. Doing one project at a time in mutiple rooms makes me feel like I got nothing done, I want to complete a room and make it pretty. I will get that and post for later this week, but since I need a small purpose to start with my immediate goal is to actualy sew something with that new sewing machine. Getting to that now! :)

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